Medical Coding

Unlocking the Code to Your Medical Coding Success

Medical Coding

  • Medical Coding is a process of assigning universally accepted alphanumeric codes to disease conditions and services to treat those diseases, which helps in financial reimbursement from insurance companies and government agencies in the United States.
  • Medical Coding is also known as the backbone of US Health Care. This field generates medical coders who specialize in coding after a thorough training program and a certification process.
  • The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) offers certification in this field.
  • Each medical procedure and patient encounter has a number, or (Current Procedural Terminology) CPT code associated with it, which corresponds to another code for a diagnosis (International Classification of Disease) an ICD code.
  • This helps insurance companies account for and track the money they reimburse to physicians and practices, to help prevent fraudulent medical claims or errors in payment.

Medical Coding Training - Basic
(Fee- INR 25000)

Feature Listing

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